Marquette County Snowmobile Association Turns 50 Years old!!
Montello Yetis and Westfield Whitetrackers also turned 50 years as individual clubs.
MCSA started in 1968 with 3 clubs. The Association helped lay out and develop a public snowmobile trail network. The original action plan to establish basic routes that provide access through Marquette County and connections with surrounding counties. Without the early pioneers such as Earl Fredrick, Dick Hillary, Dean Walters, Ken Schuman, Bill Broderick, Paul Thalacker, Dr. Charles Pace, Ed Brunnerand and many more these trails would not exist.
Did you know the first year the route was marked with bright rags!? The first 40 mile trail was laid out in 1968 and divided into 4 legs: 1-Montello to Harrisville, 2-Harrisville to Westfield, 3-Westfield to Oxford, 4-Oxford to Packwauke and on to Montello.
Over 50 years of history and still going! Even though machines, trail routes, signs(to name a few) have changed, the goal has always been the same; provide safe and fun snowmobile trails across the county. A huge system built on the great support from volunteers and most importantly the landowners!! There are currently 5 clubs, and 186 miles of trail. Clubs include Montello Yetis, Endeavor Freedom Riders, Westfield Whitetrackers, Neskoro Whiteriver EZ Riders, and Oxford Snowmads.
Governor Scott Walker signed a Letter of Commendation from the State of Wisconsin honoring Marquette County Snowmobile Association with it's 50th Anniversary. On October 26th, 2018, Stephanie Klett, Secretary of the Wisconsin Department of Tourism, presented the plaque to County Director Jim Johnson and County Representative Matt Buchholz. The award was presented at Chula Vista in Wisconsin Dells at the AWSC annual Fall Workshop. The award will be kept with Marquette County Land & Conservation's office.