yetis99 – Montello Yetis Snowmobile Club Thu, 04 Jul 2019 19:48:58 +0000 en-US hourly 1 yetis99 – Montello Yetis Snowmobile Club 32 32 2019 MCSA Golf Outing Thu, 04 Jul 2019 19:17:55 +0000

Mark your calendars for August 17th!
MCSA 3nd Annual Golf Outing is at Sondalle's White Lake C.C in Montello. Shotgun start at 11 A.M.
Please call Sondalle's to register - 608-297-2255.

$55 per player. Includes 18 holes, cart and food.

Raffles, Hole Prizes, 50/50 Raffles
Hope to see you there!

MCSA Golf 2019-final
Vintage Club Patches Sat, 20 Apr 2019 02:39:08 +0000

Vintage Club patches! Jim Johnson had these on display at AWSC Convention in Green Bay for 50th Anniversary.

These will be held in World Headquarters in Eagle River.

2018-2019 Summary Thu, 04 Apr 2019 16:42:18 +0000

We hope you had a good season on the trails!

Trails were open for 43 days this year. Much better than the last 4 years!

Opened: 1/24
Closed: 2/3

Opened: 2/12
Closed: 2/23

Opened: 2/27
Closed: 3/12

Trail Closure Tue, 18 Dec 2018 02:49:20 +0000 Continue reading Trail Closure]]>

Note: There has been a trail closure this year! This is due to a couple individuals riding out of the trail markers and trespassing! Please stay within the markers and get your trail pass. Disobeying either of these is trespassing. This damage was done on one of the only 3 days we opened two years ago. Very frustrating!

The trail closure is from Intersection #19(direct East of Generations outside Oxford) to Intersection #20(direct West of Citgo on 82). Oxford Sno-mads and members of MCSA are working a re-route, but nothing official yet.
From Oxford, you will need to head north to Intersection #18, head East to Intersection #17.
From Citgo, Head North at Intersection #16, head West at Intersection #17. Head south.

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MCSA Celebrates 50 Years OLD!! Tue, 18 Dec 2018 02:08:21 +0000 Continue reading MCSA Celebrates 50 Years OLD!!]]>

Marquette County Snowmobile Association Turns 50 Years old!!

Montello Yetis and Westfield Whitetrackers also turned 50 years as individual clubs. 
MCSA started in 1968 with 3 clubs. The Association helped lay out and develop a public snowmobile trail network. The original action plan to establish basic routes that provide access through Marquette County and connections with surrounding counties. Without the early pioneers such as Earl Fredrick, Dick Hillary, Dean Walters, Ken Schuman, Bill Broderick, Paul Thalacker, Dr. Charles Pace, Ed Brunnerand and many more these trails would not exist.
Did you know the first year the route was marked with bright rags!? The first 40 mile trail was laid out in 1968 and divided into 4 legs: 1-Montello to Harrisville, 2-Harrisville to Westfield, 3-Westfield to Oxford, 4-Oxford to Packwauke and on to Montello.
Over 50 years of history and still going! Even though machines, trail routes, signs(to name a few) have changed, the goal has always been the same; provide safe and fun snowmobile trails across the county. A huge system built on the great support from volunteers and most importantly the landowners!! There are currently 5 clubs, and 186 miles of trail. Clubs include Montello Yetis, Endeavor Freedom Riders, Westfield Whitetrackers, Neskoro Whiteriver EZ Riders, and Oxford Snowmads.
Governor Scott Walker signed a Letter of Commendation from the State of Wisconsin honoring Marquette County Snowmobile Association with it's 50th Anniversary. On October 26th, 2018, Stephanie Klett, Secretary of the Wisconsin Department of Tourism, presented the plaque to County Director Jim Johnson and County Representative Matt Buchholz. The award was presented at Chula Vista in Wisconsin Dells at the AWSC annual Fall Workshop. The award will be kept with Marquette County Land & Conservation's office.
Do you have your trail pass? Mon, 03 Dec 2018 00:41:34 +0000 Continue reading Do you have your trail pass?]]> Do you have your 2018-19 Trail Pass? A reminder if you are a club/AWSC member, your trail pass cost is $10. If you do not belong to a club, a trail pass is $30. Click here for more info TRAIL PASS INFO .

Hope for snow!! Trails can open hopefully open within couple weeks. Trails are currently being marked and brushed. Give a big thanks to all volunteers members who accomplish this every fall!  Endeavor and Oxford had lot of cleanup due to summer storms.
There is no Holiday Hunt in Marquette county this year.

Press Release Facts About Snowmobiling-2018 Sat, 22 Sep 2018 01:52:16 +0000 Continue reading Press Release Facts About Snowmobiling-2018]]> Press Release
Facts About Snowmobiling-2018

Haslett, MI, September 18, 2018: As we begin the 2018-19 snowmobiling
season, we thought you may be interested in the following facts while you are preparing
to go ride this season:
1. Snowmobilers come in all ages. The average snowmobiler however, is 45 years

2. The average snowmobile snowmobiler last season rode 1,250 miles / 2,012
kilometers. The number of miles ridden, on average, is dependent on snow cover,
so we will see if Mother Nature brings us more days of snow for riding this season.

3. 60% of snowmobilers belong to a club and participate in many of their club’s events.
If you do not belong to a snowmobile club, I recommend you consider joining! Clubs
hold great riding events, great parties, and are made up of wonderful people that
become great friends. Join a club and have a great time!!!

4. About 49% of the people that snowmobile, trailer their snowmobile to their riding
area. The other 51% ride from their home or cabin.

5. Snowmobiling is a family friendly activity. Most of all those responding to surveys
report that they snowmobile with family and with friends and with club members.

6. Snowmobilers are outdoor recreationists all year around. Following is a list of
recreational activities that snowmobilers participate in when they aren’t out riding:

59% go ATV Riding
56% go Camping
56% go Fishing
52% go Boating
44% go Hunting
33% go Hiking
32% go Motorcycle Riding
26% go Golfing
24% go Personal Watercraft Riding
19% go Downhill Skiing
13% do other recreational Activities
Yes, we are a year around active group!

7. Approximately 82% of the snowmobilers are male.

8. Snowmobilers are a big part of the winter economic engine by spending an
average of $2000 each year going snowmobiling, traveling to their snowmobiling
spot, and food, gas, and lodging. In many places of North America,
snowmobilers pay the bills for many people involved in the Winter Tourism
Industries and related businesses.

9. To help snowmobilers promote their sport, the snowmobile manufacturers have
created a number of supporting communication tools.
a. We have created a Dropbox where interested individuals can access
the most current family friendly snowmobile photos. (Just click on this
ZhV1KO51dGlNa?dl=0 ) We encourage people to use these photos
in the development of trail maps, advertising pieces, or just flyers
supporting a snowmobiling activity. The photos are free and can be
used in promoting recreation family snowmobiling.
b. Also, ISMA has created a Facebook page . If you are on Facebook and
want to see snowmobiling posts, please FOLLOW our page. You can
also share your snowmobiling pictures, events, etc. on our page and
they will be viewed by followers from around the world!
c. We have two websites: and that contain a lot of information, links,
downloadable materials, etc. to help support you and educate you on
key issues related to snowmobiling and help you better know the
activities going on. Our websites are connected to other websites
around the world including all of the United States and Canadian State
and Provincial Snowmobile Associations which contain all of the local
information that you may need.

The winter outlook is looking good for snowmobiling and we are looking
forward to a great season!

2018 Golf Outing Sun, 26 Aug 2018 20:20:17 +0000

We had a fantastic outing!! Weather was perfect.
We would like to thank all sponsors, golfers, volunteers and Thal Acres!
We had 71 golfers!

Thank you for supporting the clubs!



2018 MCSA Golf Outing Sun, 08 Apr 2018 20:00:57 +0000

Mark your calendars for August 18th!
MCSA 2nd Annual Golf Outing is at Thal Acres Links & Lanes in Westfield. Shotgun start at 10AM.
Please call Thal Acres to register. $50 per player. Includes 18 holes, cart and food.
Hope to see you there!

2017 Marquette County Snowmobile Association Golf Outing Sun, 11 Mar 2018 20:54:36 +0000 Continue reading 2017 Marquette County Snowmobile Association Golf Outing]]> On Saturday, August 19th, MCSA held their first ever Golf Outing. Weather was fantastic with low 80’s. We had a great turnout with 22 teams!
We want to send a huge shoutout to Greg and Kathy Sondalle! They were wonderful to accomodate us, and had the course and clubhouse looking fantastic.
We want thank all the generous businesses for the donated raffle prizes also!
There were over 25!

All proceeds went towards Marquette Counnty Snowmobile Association.
There will be no more Grass Drags held at Lake of the Woods this fall.

We hope to see you there next year!!

2017 Golf Outing

2017 Golf Outing

2017 Golf Outing

