Trail Pass

Trail Pass Info

Save Money on Wisconsin Snowmobile Trail Passes

There are multiple changes that changed effective July 1, 2015. Of greatest importance is the fact that each sled operating in WI will be required to display a Wisconsin trail pass to be purchased annually. The new law includes this two-tiered trail pass requirement at an annual cost of $30/non-member and $10/club & AWSC member. This means that if you are a member of a club, like Montello Yetis, your annual fee will be $10 rather than $30.

You will be supporting the local club and the care and maintenance of the local trails. So, we encourage you to join our club today.
Also of great importance, revenue generated from the sale of snowmobile registrations and Wisconsin Trail Passes goes to the segregated snowmobile account which is used to maintain and develop Wisconsin's snowmobile trails.

More info on new Trail Pass Requirement
From AWSC Website

A simple checklist:
1. Click here to register your snowmobile in Wisconsin
The cost is $30 for 3 years

2. Join a snowmobile club - Click here to join the Montello Yetis
The cost is $20 per machine/person. Or if additional machine/family members, $5 more.

3. After you get your member number you can order your discounted trail stickers online here .
The cost is $10 per snowmobile / per year
You will need the following information to get your Wisconsin trail passes:
1. Your AWSC member ID number. This can be found in 3 places:
A. On your AWSC member card awsc-member-id
B. On your magazine label
C. AWSC Membership Lookup

2. Your snowmobile(s) Wisconsin registration number. This can be found in                 2 places:
A. On the sticker on your snowmobile dnr-registration-sticker.
B. Log into the Wisconsin DNR website here

If you are out of state, or do not want to join the club:

Wisconsin snowmobile trail pass ($30) - for a snowmobile registered in Wisconsin. Available online, or at any DNR sales agent. All Wisconsin snowmobile trail passes will be shipped by US Mail within 2 business days to the address specified. A temporary trail use receipt is issued to operate legally on snowmobile trails. Carry the receipt with you until your pass is delivered by the US mail and affixed to your snowmobile's windshield.

Nonresident snowmobile trail pass ($50) - for a snowmobile registered in or in the process of being registered in another state, province or country. Available online, or at sales agent. All Wisconsin snowmobile trail passes will be shipped by US Mail within 2 business days to the address specified. A temporary trail use receipt is issued to operate legally on snowmobile trails. Carry the receipt with you until your pass is delivered by the U.S. Mail and affixed to your snowmobile's windshield.